Hi Hi Hi...
I'm always a learner and I want to learn more and more from anybody who has the stuff.Don't worry... I promise that these details are not written by me... Be Ready to experience a Rich Ride with this Rich Internet Applications.
AJAX is popular for the creation of rich Internet applications, but there are good alternatives. This article will introduce you to Flex applications, rich Internet applications that run inside the Adobe Flash player.
The development of Rich Internet Applications is now underway. Some people are calling this "Web 2.0," but it is really the transition from a page based browsing experience to one that more closely resembles desktop applications. A variety of technologies can be used to deliver this experience; AJAX is currently one of the more popular sets of technologies, mainly because it can be easily adapted into existing web based applications.
However, for those who are looking for something more robust, there appears to be two early front runners: Flex based applications that run in the Flash player from Adobe, and XML based applications from Microsoft. In this article, I'll introduce you to Adobe's Flex product line, including Adobe Flex Builder and Adobe Flex Enterprise Services.