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Last four digits of 'any power to the number 76'

While raising 76 to any power the resulting value always ends with 76. This property is as same as the number 5 and 25.

  • 762 =>5776
  • 763=>438976
  • 764=>33362176
  • 765=>253552537
  • 766=>192699928576
  • 767=>14645194571776
  • 768 =>1113034787454976

and goes on..

Now we are going to find the hundredth digit and thousandth digit in the result of 76n

761=> 76

762 =>5776 here the thousandth digit and hundredth digit is "57" By the same way the thousandth digit and hundreath digit for

763=>438976 here the thousandth digit and hundredth digit is "89"

764=>33362176 here the thousandth digit and hundredth digit is "21"

765=>2535525376 here the thousandth digit and hundredth digit is "53"....

I think you got the pattern in which the 4th and 3rd digit getting increased.

In 762 its 57 and in the next power its 89 and in the next 21 and in the next its 53 and continues..

which is in the pattern of 57+32=>89, 89+32=>121 ,121+32=>153,153+32 =>185......

if 89+32 it gives 121 in this case consider 21 alone. These rules also applied for all the powers of 76.

so we can easily find the last four digit of the ---> 76n

provided if we know last four digit of the previous power i.e., for

---> 76(n-1) .

So we will derive to get the last four digits without knowing the previous result.

Make sure that all these derivations applicable only for n>=2

1. if n=2=> 57(we can split it as 25+32)

2. n=3=> 57+32=>89=>(25+32+32)=>25+2*(32)=> 25+(n-1)*32

3. n=4=> 89+32=>121=>(25+32+32+32)=>25+3*(32)=> 25+(n-1)*32

4. n=5 => 21+32=>53 =>(25+32+32+32+32)=>25+4*(32)=> 25+(n-1)*32

5. n=6 => 53+32=>85 =>(25+32+32+32+32+32)=>25+5*(32)=> 25+(n-1)*32

6. n=7 => 85+32=>117 =>(25+32+32+32+32+32+32)=>25+6*(32)=> 25+(n-1)*32

and so on for all power values of n

just we found the 3rd and 4th digit. And we know the last two digits always 76

Derivation to get the general formula:

finding last four digits for 76n

=>25+(n-1)*32 by this we will get 3rd and 4th number,but may be with many digits.

To get the last two digit we make have a modulo




n=2 --> [25+(4-1)32]%100

[25+ 96]%100-> [121]%100 -> 21

to make general for last four digits multiply the above result by 100 and add 76 with it 21*100+76=2176

which is the last four digit of 764

Finally the general formula for last four digit


abcd=>[([25+32*(n-1)]%100)*100 ]+76

This formula will not useful in finding the full value for any power of 76. But it will be useful in competitive exams to get closer to the answer.

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