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Steps to compile the source code of ShareFire

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ShareFire is a simple but powerful news aggregator written in Adobe AIR. You can download the compiled version of ShareFire from ShareFire Home page. Using ShareFire you can share stories via AIM, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, email and more with no copying and pasting, or dragging and dropping. And it even supports 16 different languages and mainly it is 100% open source. You can download the latest version of source for the project from Google Code. For doubts and discussion on this project you can find a busy active Google group.
Now let me explain you how to compile the code of ShareFire that is recently renamed as apprise.
  1. Download the code, either from Google Code or from Adobe. I prefer the second one, because the download from adobe contains all the dependencies with itself. If you download from google code dependencies must downloaded seperately and must be linked correcly else you will end up in mesh.
  2. Assuming you have downloaded the source from adobe, next step is to check the flex sdk version you got installed, if it is less than 3.3 then you must first upgrade it from opensource.abode.com. Unzip the downloaded SDK zip to any location you prefer.
  3. Now you must make the Flex IDE to recognize the new SDK installation. To do that open the IDE go to window->preferences->Installed flex SDK and click the add button. Now you will be asked for the location, browse to the location where you unzipped the newly downloaded SDK. Then finish by applying the changes.
  4. Now Create a new AIR project by File ->New ->Flex Project. Give a appropriate name to the project. Next look for the check box "Use default Location", if it is checked then uncheck it. Now browse to the location where you unzipped the project source downloaded from adobe. Choose the application type as "Desktop application(run in Adobe AIR)" and press Next and skip the next window where you be asked for the output folder, let it be default.
  5. In the next window before hitting finish, change the Main application file by pressing the browse button select the 'apprise.mxml' file shown in the popped up window. Now its done, the source is ready to compile.
  6. Now the IDE will throw you some errors, that's because apprise will support 16 languages for that supporting locale folders must be created in the SDK. For doing that open command prompt or a terminal window and navigate to the 'bin' folder of the newly installed SDK.
  7. Execute the following commands one after the other,
    • copylocale en_US de
    • copylocale en_US es
    • copylocale en_US fr
    • copylocale en_US it
    • copylocale en_US ja_JP
    • copylocale en_US ko
    • copylocale en_US pt
    • copylocale en_US ru
    • copylocale en_US zh_Hans
    • copylocale en_US zh_Hant
    1. Those commands will create the locale folder in the installed SDK. You can find those things in {SDK-HOME}\frameworks\locale.
    2. The last step in compiling the project is to add the compiler argument. To do the right click on the project name in the File navigator, choose properties. In the property window select flex compiler and in the text area labeling Additional compiler arguments, paste the following line
    -locale=de,en_US,es,fr,it,ja_JP,ko,pt,ru,zh_Hans,zh_Hant -source-path=locale/{locale}

    Apply the changes made by pressing the apply button and that's it. Run the program(ctrl+F11), you will
    see a window application running, thats the project.

    Enjoy editing the program and don't forget to comment on this post.

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