I am sure this has great naming convention and we all could understand easily why we are having these folder structure.
application - application specific code
config - database/server configuration
db - database backups
library - framework code
public - application specific js/css/images
scripts - command-line utilities
tmp - temporary data
Once we have our directory structure ready, let us understand a few coding conventions.
Coding Conventions
1. mySQL tables will always be lowercase and plural e.g. items, cars
2. Models will always be singular and first letter capital e.g. Item, Car
3. Controllers will always have “Controller” appended to them. e.g. ItemsController, CarsController
4. Views will have plural name followed by action name as the file. e.g. items/view.php, cars/buy.php
and also there are many other standard frameworks, each one having their own advantages, and zend framework provides great security than anything else we just moving with zend and we will be seeing all the frameworks.
The other frameworks are
Cake PHP
Code Igniter
To know more about zend just check out this
For more about Php Frameworks please stay with us for some time.